Who Are We?
Out of many, one me.
No Other Like Me (NOLM) was created to help individuals identify their uniqueness in life to achieve good health that leads to weight loss.
The Bicycle Path
There are several ways to get to work; John rides a bicycle while Tom drives a car. Tom wants to ride to work as John does but cannot because there is no bicycle path from his home to work.
The number of paths to work and why they will or will not apply to all of us are unlimited. Each person needs to find their way based on their individuality. No Other Like Me (NOLM) aims to help individuals identify their uniqueness in life towards achieving good health, which leads to weight loss.
It goes above and beyond weight loss. These principles apply to many other achievements, teaching you about yourself and your body as you unearth your uniqueness. Weight loss is a familiar topic that many people are aware of worldwide. It is, therefore, one of the best ways to communicate this vital message.
Which Route?
Many people are confused and frustrated about weight loss because there are billions of routes to achieve it. However, the trick is finding the paths that work for each of us based on our uniqueness. We need to find out who we are and what will work for us before diving into the process. Otherwise, we are likely to become frustrated by randomly executing what others are doing, activities that may not apply to our uniqueness. How senseless would it be, without research, to invest in a bicycle for work just because John rides to work? What if we then find out that there is no bicycle path from our house to work?
Confusing Choices
NOLM acknowledges the fact that there are billions of ways to achieve weight loss. These are based on tested and proven facts from researchers and other individuals. We are not about arguing over a single method out of several billion for everyone. Instead, we analyze a generic template with ways in which individuals have lost weight. Thus, we give others a chance to fill in their variation as it applies to their uniqueness.
We cannot argue over the proven facts of weight loss research. However, we acknowledge that not all facts are generic; they do not apply to everyone because of uniqueness. Different people may work at the same location but may not all have a bicycle path to ride to work. It is rather about working together and hearing what others are doing, based on uniqueness.
What does this mean?
A method or, more likely, a combination of methods may work for different individuals. Anyone can come up with research that proves a fact, but each research project depends on the uniqueness of its subjects. It would be a total waste of time to argue about facts that are based on individual characteristics.
NOLM is all about connecting people, creating a community where people share how they lost weight and help others do the same. People can also share why they believe their method worked, based on their situation.
Rooted Foundation
We do not build a house without a solid foundation; else, it would tumble down when faced with moderate to extreme weather. In some countries, houses are built in factories and then taken to their location and placed on a solid foundation.
We do not lose weight and become healthy after because good health is the foundation for weight loss. We should focus on becoming healthy as the foundation to losing weight. Many individuals fail to achieve lasting weight loss because they are not mentally and physically prepared to pursue good health. We should spend the necessary time to build a healthy foundation, resulting in successfully losing and keeping off excess weight.
jumping into air
We also acknowledge that there are facts that are likely to be generic to most or all individuals. For example, a person will free-fall back to the ground if they jump into the air. These facts are helpful in forming a generic template for most or all.
Personal Decision
Say you buy a bicycle to ride to work, based on what John is doing. It is then your responsibility to ensure there is a bicycle path from your house to your workplace. If you take that bicycle on the highway, you will likely end up with serious injuries or die from an accident. In such a case, John cannot be held responsible for a decision made at your discretion.
Similarly, NOLM is not responsible for any decision made by you from what you see or hear from this website. Since we do not know your unique situation, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that your decisions are suitable. We are not recommending you try anything shared on this site but that you do your own research. Get the required professional help, as necessary, while using your discretion before execution.
Knowledge Is Power
With that said, we should acknowledge that doctors are not God; they make many mistakes that cost the lives of thousands of people each year. Medical errors that lead to death is now the third-leading cause of death in America.
Ultimately, we are primarily responsible for our lives. We are the CEO of our body, so we must know how to manage it. The more knowledge we have, the better it will be for us. NOLM will do its best to help inform you about the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and water that we all need. However, the proportion of specific food that we each need is unique for multiple reasons. We will do our best to point out some examples. It will take some experimentation or “trial and error” to make adjustments and figure out what is best for us. With our researched knowledge, combined with help from our medical professionals, we are better able to make informed personal decisions.
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