Procrastination is like repeatedly holding your breath for as long as you possibly can, then gasping for air to stay alive. On the other hand, doing the little things bit-by-bit now is like allowing your body to freely breathe. This way, you are not placing it under any unnecessary pressure. Make the choice to start freely breathing now.
Just Jump!
After leaving high school and exploring my options, I decided to give the Jamaica Defense Force, the army, a try. I remember going through an extreme obstacle course. One obstacle was about the height of a single-level house, and I was required to jump to the ground. I was warned not to hesitate and think about it because most who did never ended up jumping. When I reached the jumping point, I looked and leapt in quick succession before my mind could evaluate the difficulty. It was a relief hitting the ground as I bent my knees to absorb the impact.
What prevents us from Jumping?
Sometimes, we want to get something done and cannot understand why we cannot get started. If we allow our minds to conceive the deterrents ahead of making the required steps to get going, we may have a hard time beginning or even never start.
Every Litte Step Matters!
A Short Story
One day, a man decided to take a stroll along the beach. As he walked, he noticed that millions of starfish washed ashore. The man thought sadly, “If they do not get back in the water, they will eventually die.”
At different intervals of his walk, he would take up a few starfish and throw them back in the water. Others looked at him and ask, “What difference does it make when the number is in the millions?” Then, he would take up another starfish and throw it in. As he did, he would say, “That one makes a difference.” Then, the man would throw another one in and say, “That one makes a difference.” For every starfish he threw in, he would say, “That one makes a difference.”
Out of the many things that we need to do, every little step makes a difference. We cannot afford to get overwhelmed by the number of things that we need to do. Just start doing one thing at a time.
To continue reading, I suggest going to the why we want to lose weight post.