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“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
G A L A T I A N S 6 : 9 N I V
The Gas Gauge
Imagine driving down the road when you ran out of gas, and the engine shuts off. Instead of filling up the gas tank, you decided to manually manipulate the gas gauge by moving the needle to the “full” position. You then proceed to start the engine, but your action is futile. You become frustrated, confused and disoriented because you expected it to start.
The Point
The problem with your solution may be obvious, and your expectation of success may seem stupid but, this scenario happens to many people where weight loss is concerned.
The gas gauge indicates the amount of gas in the tank. We cannot manipulate it and miraculously expect to get gas in the tank. Likewise, our weight indicates our health; it cannot be manipulated to fix our health issues. If we get this fundamental truth twisted, we will be wasting our time focusing on the wrong problem, getting us nowhere. We will be stuck around the steering, unable to get started so that we may reach our destination.
Why no other like me?
Many existing weight loss programs focus on the quick fix result rather than targeting the root of the problem. Similarly, many medications are focused on suppressing symptoms as a substitute to fixing the problem. Medicines to lower blood pressure do not solve the underlying issues. As such, you need them for a lifetime. Likewise, flu medications relieve symptoms such as sore throat, coughing and fever. However, they do not strengthen the immune system that is under attack. We still must wait on our immune system to kick in and fight the flu virus. We must eat healthy to attack the root of the problem.
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